Covid Precautions
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives since March 2020, it remains as important as ever to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself from coronavirus.
Get Vaccinated
Wear a Mask
Social Distancing
Wash your Hands
Clean and Disinfect
Monitor Health
How to work safely with the risk of COVID – 19
The current government guidelines are as follows:
Meet outside or open windows and doors for indoor visitors
If you think you have symptoms stay at home and take a lateral flow or book a PCR test
Wear face coverings in crowded places and on public transport
Check in to venues when you go out
Wash your hands with soap regularly, and for at least 20 seconds
Here at Mmmarvellous, we are encouraging all our housekeepers to get vaccinated and wear masks where required. We all need to continually be cautious when using public transport or being in an enclosed space with others that we normally do not have contact with.
We do ask housekeepers to:
Wash hands regularly
In addition to carrying & using hand sanitisers regularly, we ask them upon entering clients’ homes that they wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.
Common courtesy
‘Put your hand over your face when you cough’ – our parents would say to us, why? Simply to stop the spread of germs. This ethos is good to remember.
If you are about to sneeze or cough, please prevent air born particles from spreading by using a tissue or do so into your elbow. Dispose of tissue appropriately and wash your hands.
We would recommend that the following guidelines be followed to help prevent the spread of COVID19.
Housekeepers and operatives are to:
- Wash their hands upon entry with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Ensure that there is good ventilation in each working area. Open a window if needed.
- Remain home if they or anyone in their household has flu like symptoms.
- Not work in homes where occupants have any flu like symptoms.
Additional tips
It would be good practice to implement the following:
- Upon your housekeeper’s arrival into the home, it would be a good idea for them to have a designated place to put their personal belongings and outside shoes.
- The housekeeper changes their shoes, walking around your home in a clean pair of shoes. (Socks are not ideal due to danger of slipping)
- Whilst the housekeeper is working, the client leaves the property or isolates in one room. Once the cleaner has finished most of the home, client should then vacate the room, so that area can be cleaned last.
- When the housekeeper leaves, the client disinfects the area where the housekeeper had her personal belongings, shoes and the front door handle.
Additional cleaning tasks or routines for all housekeepers to carry out on each visit: –
- Disinfect all door handles in the property after finishing off cleaning each room.
- Thoroughly clean other surfaces that are touched regularly such as light switches, banister.
- Arrange to put all cloths, sponges and mop heads into the washing machine or in a place agreed upon, so they can be cleaned promptly.
We sincerely hope that by abiding by these practices we limit the amount of infection spread between everyone.
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. As the vaccines continue their rollout, here are the simple steps you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect yourself and others.